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Thanks to joey/kips and neuralyte for putting this twiki together.

BTW. As Joey might have mentioned to you guys, me and AB have been doing stuff in a completely non-automated way here:

the system we use atm is terrible as I am sure will be obvious to you guys, its a kind of mimmicry of automated systems. But anyway, we are collecting this data - it is a kind of on-going thing - but do you think it would work in this kind of format? I can't see any obvious reasons why it would not provide a structural home.

But maybe the best use of this kind of programme would be more directly political colaborative projects. One way it might work is as a kind of time delayed chat, but clearly the most important thing is the combination of interconnectivity and interactivity.

I think we should try and use a Wiki for our database, I think it would save a lot of time in editing single Html documents and uploading them as everything is done directly through the web. For our database, we orignally thought that a single structure would work but now it looks that a more adaptable one would be preferable as different info comes in different shapes and sizes. So yes I think the wiki would be preferrable to the system we are using now, and it would be a perfect basis on which to involve more people in collating information etc. I think its just what we are looking for with our current modest ambitions.

I have a couple of ignornant questions like; how adaptable is this system? Does it work in the manner that you guys can make adaptions and improvements to it, or is it as a programme like a published book?

Has the image I have on my screen now, been largely generated through the parameters of the system itself, or has it been designed in the manner that one might approach an html document - I mean the structure of the appearance of the information?

I've messed abit more with it now, and I see tables are easy to build and so on, its more envisaging the whole structure that I have difficulty with. One of my worries was a page like this could become confusing the more contributions are put up, but I see that there are plugins that might allow for better ordering of comments, as well I think a system, where people can comment without going through all the preview and save this is all good.

Another ignorant question! How much labour time/effort does it take to get something like this running? And how much of your resources does it consume, i.e on your server? Would it require a lot of maintenance if it had a lot of traffic?

Please do look into what the transferral would involve, obviously we would do any of the non-technical leg-work.

Again on behalf of AB and me thanks for the efforts of you and your box ;)

Topic GeneralDiscussion . { Edit | Attach | Ref-By | Printable | Diffs | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | > | r1.6 | More }
Revision r1.8 - 25 Jul 2003 - 01:10 GMT - ErikE
Parents: WebHome
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